Dumping Electronic Apparatuses – For Free

Got an old TV set or an old Mac in the cellar? Surely, you would like to get rid of it without harming the environment.


Since March 2006, all consumers can dump their electrical or electronic scrap at local collecting points – for free. In Berlin this will be the 15 Recycling Yards (Recyclinghöfe) of Berliner Stadtreinigung (BSR).

The new Electrical Scrap Act (Elektronikschrottgesetz) obliges producers of electronic devices like TVs, computers, X-boxes, refrigerators, freezers, and mobile phones to pick this scrap up at the communes. New electronic apparatuses must be marked with a dashed garbage can. Previously, little devices like electric hair dryers or toothbrushes could be discarded in the yellow can of the municipal garbage company. Now you can be fined for doing so. From this moment on, you will have to use the “yellow +” can. Bigger items like PCs or ovens will be taken care free of cost if you take them to a recycling yard. The best is that nowadays refrigerators and freezers will be accepted without charge. Up until now, freezers & co. were disposed for a fee because of the difficult disposure of CFC machines. Collecting these worn out and now scrap machines, can set hazardous pollutants free.

For further information, check the homepage of your municipality or the local garbage disposal company. If you can share this info for your town with other readers please write a comment to this article.

See also: Dumping your Junk be it Personal or Professional -- for Free

Picking up your junk !

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