Standard Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Portal

§1  Application

(1)  These standard terms and conditions will be applicable to the relationship between the reader and LG2G and also for contractual or tortous claims of other persons arising from the reader / editor relationship insofar as nothing else has been agreed upon in text or is legally compulsory. Alexander von Engelhardt is the contractual partner of the reader and will be reffered to as the "publishing editor" or "LG2G". "LG2G" applies to other editors, which are not the contractual partner of the reader, in relation to the published contents. This is especially true when it comes to questions of liability of the published contents.

§2 Right and Rules of Membership

(1)  Generally, every application of readership is intended to be granted. LG2G however reserves the right to refuse to accept any person as a reader. LG2G reserves the right to delete accounts created by readers who appropriate the name, likeness, eMail address, or other personally identifiable information of another individual.

(2)  By agreeing to these terms, the reader affirms that they will not use this portal to harass or abuse other members. Individuals who have demonstrably harassed other individuals via comments to articles, or using other means may be removed from LG2G. The Reader is fully responsible for any content he or she posts on the LG2G, including, but not limited to, photos, personal profile(s), testimonials, – and the consequences of any such content. The Reader understands and agrees that LG2G may review from time to time and delete any content that violates this agreement or which might be offensive, illegal, or harm the safety of or violate the rights of other readers and editors. Content that is illegal or prohibited, includes, but is not limited to, material, text, graphics, video or audio that:

  • is unlawful, harassing, libelous, abusive, threatening, harmful, bigoted, racially offensive, obscene or otherwise objectionable,
  • is intended or designed to disrupt an ongoing conversation via flaming (a message in which the writer publicly attacks another participant in overly harsh, or personal terms) or trolling (deliberately posting derogatory or inflammatory comments in order to bait other readers into responding),
  • encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, gives rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national or international law or regulation,
  • transmits or posts any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, "spam," junk mail, "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," etc.,
  • transmits or posts any content that infringes upon patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights or other proprietary rights,
  • transmits or tries to transmit any viruses or material designed to disrupt, limit or destroy any functionality of any computer software or hardware of readers, members or the LG2G,
  • collects, stores or solicits information about other readers or members for commercial or unlawful purposes or engage in commercial activity such as contests, sweepstakes, etc. without LG2G prior consent,
  • contains personally identifiable information about another member that is published without their express consent,
  • contains material originally posted by another member that is reposted without permission or attribution,
  • advertises any illegal services or the sale of any items prohibited or restricted by German law,
  • has misleading eMail addresses or other manipulated identifiers to disguise its origin.

(3)  Hate speech is not acceptable and will not be tolerated on LG2G. As defined by LG2G, hate speech may consist of symbols or images, as well as text. LG2G defines sexually oriented content as any material that depicts, in actual or simulated form, or explicitly describes, in a predominantly sexual context, human genitalia, any act of sexual intercourse, any act of sadism or masochism, or any other eroticsubject directly related to the foregoing. LG2G may terminate the your reader's membership and delete any and all information or postings, at any time, without notice, for conduct that violates this agreement.


§3 Scope of Reading

(1) The scope of the accessible information of the portal depends on the scope booked. Generally, there are three scopes: "free", "private", and "business" readers.


(2) Private readership grants access to menu "Private Legalities", its submenues, non-business articles in the archives, and other basic information for everyday private interest. This other basic information is determined by the LG2G. Private Readership aims to inform on topics not of professional, commercial, or business nature.


(3) Business Readership grants access next to the scope of "Private Readership" also to the menu "Business Legalities", its submenus, and "Business Articles" in the newsletters archives and other business topics of everyday business concern. "Business Readership" aims at informing on topics of the investor's, freelancer's, professional's needs to start, take over, and run a business in Germany.

§4 Subscription Prices

(1) Subscription will be granted upon application and after filling out the registration form on the website and paying the subscription fees for the booked period. Reading rights end upon elapsing of subscription period. The reader can continue a subscription at any time by paying for further time. The prices for reading will be shown when purchasing.

(2) Payment is to be made upfront and free of cost for the publishing editor when transferred to his bank account. It will not be refunded for any reason of premature termination of this contract. Access to LG2G may be blocked after the reading period has expired and no payment has been received by the publishing editor.


§5 Copyright Protection

The law on intellectual property is also applicable to the portal. The accessible information is only allowed to be used for private needs. Any other use for publication is without prior consent of the editor(s) is strictly forbidden and is subject to international penal prosecution. Please contact the editor if the Reader or somebody else wishes to use anything for their publication.

§8 Miscellaneous

(1)  German law will exclusively rule this contract and its interpretation. The place of fulfillment and/or jurisdiction for any dispute arising out of this contract is at the Editor’s office.

(2)   No standard terms and conditions, printed or otherwise published, which conflict with the provisions of these terms, will be binding for the publishing editor.

(3) LG2G will not be held liable for any loss or damage for non-compliance. In addition, the Reader understands and agrees that the content of all readers, including his or her content, will be collected, aggregated and anonymously integrated into the LG2G system. The Reader understands, and agrees that, unless expressly stated, LG2G in no way controls, verifies, or endorses any of the information contained on or in the LG2G portal, including links, events, messages, message boards and members published classifieds.

Additional information