Finding Free Hotspots

This article will help you find the nearest place where you will have free Wi-Fi (or in German "WLAN") access, so called “hot spots”, to the Internet. Find hot spots all across Europe.


The website will help you find the nearest place where you will have free WLAN access, so called “hot spots”, to the Internet. Find hot spots all across Europe. The provider of this service is now enhancing his web presentation for you to call and find the nearest hot spot – also for free. Calling from a land phone call (00800) 28 25 23 26 or from your cell phone (00353) 16 13 91 55. Free Hot Spot will instruct in English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish to the next “free” way to the data highway.

Other possibilities to find free hot-spots are:

  • Berlin offers free WiFi at 44 hotspots (central Berlin), to find them you need to download and install the app "Hotspotfinder" on your "intelligent phone" (available for Mac and Android),
  • Drahtlos Unterwegs, comunity based portal -- no registration required,
  • Free hotspots – for connections in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
  • Hotspot-Locations – the wireless directory
  •, even wants to list all free hotspots in the world.
  • McCafé:
    T-mobile offers a free hour internet access per WiFi. To take advantage of this system, you need to register online with a cell phone number to afterwards receive your personal login data and pay for time more than 60 minutes.
    (BTW: this offer is available for both customers of T-Mobile and its competitors. However, when using their service as a customer of their competitor your online price will be higher.)
  • Munich sites,
  • Starbucks offer a free hour Wi-Fi at all Cafes


Do know of other possibilities? This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you in advance.

Published on the old CMS: 2007/1/3
Read on the old CMS till November 2008: 1,393 reads

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