Find a Pharmacy via SMS – but not only

The Short Message Service (= SMS) may not be as common in the U.S. as it in Germany, but what about your home country? Germans, especially kids, are really crazy about communicating via text messages or SMs (= Short Messages).


A new location-based service has recently been implemented to help you find the nearest pharmacy in your immediate vicinity comfortably and quickly via SM. This will work during normal opening hours and is especially intended for emergency needs during the evening.

All you have to do is send an SM reading “Apo” to 22 8 33 – from all cell phones. You can also call this number for 69 cents. “Apo” is short for Apotheke, which is German for pharmacy. Your location will be determined automatically with the help of your cell phone. After sending your request you will immediately receive a reply SM instructing you on the two nearest open pharmacies offering emergency service, including the distance to each pharmacy. This service is provided by Meocomo for and costs 69 cents per SM or call. This uniform service number is available from all cell phone providers and throughout Germany.

In the mean time, this service has been extended to be reached by phone from the toll free number 0800 00 22 8 33. When you dial this number, you will have to know the zip code of your whereabouts.

You can also download an app for your iPhone or android smartphone.


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Published on the old CMS: 2006/12/30
Read on the old CMS till November 2008: 1,243 reads

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