Labor Legalities
Labor Law
If you are the kind of person who likes to look things up, beware. There is no Labor Code in Germany. Instead, employment is regulated in a bulk of statutes, collective agreements ,and standard company agreements. Case law and academic opinions, so called “ruling opinions or ruling case law ('herrschende Meinung' or 'ständige Rechtsprechung')”, play a vital role here. If you have been fired, it is a great help to contact a lawyer if you want a severance payment. But again, remember that you have to pay the lawyer yourself, no matter who wins – in the first instance. Your legal insurance will usually cover the costs for this dispute.
My boss asked me for my working papers. What exactly are working papers in Germany?
Your boss wants to have:
your tax card,
copy of your passport showing your current work and residence permit,
social security card (Sozialversicherungsausweis),
copy of your “membership” in a health insurance program (Mitgliedsbescheinigung einer Krankenkasse),
any forms provided by the company.
I just received an appointment for an interview for a new job. Well, it turned out to be a nightmare. The employer was asking me extremely personal questions. He asked if I were pregnant, how many children we are planning to have, how long my child’s break will be, etc. etc. Come on, is all this really his business??
Generally, you as the applicant are obligated to tell the truth – and nothing but it. However, your future boss has no right to inquire about your personal life – only your professional life. So, even if you are visibly expecting you may lie and may not be sued or punished for deceit. Forbidden questions also concern:
denomination (exceptions possible),
family planning,
sexual orientation.
So, is there a general rule what an employer may or may not ask?
Yes, there is. The employer is entitled to inform himself objectively and directly to employment related questions. Only exceptionally, are questions concerning private matters permitted. Grounds for inquiring private matters can be e.g. found in the “special purpose of the company”. If a church wishes to employ somebody, they may ask if the applicant is living in non-marital relationship. Previous convictions may be inquired about if they are vital for that job (Federal Labor Court, judgment of May 20, 1999 - 2 AZR 320/98). This will typically be the case when it comes to handling money or dealing with business secrets.
Having just become pregnant, I so dearly want a job, and am willing to lie to the interviewer just to get it. Will I really be not subject to firing?
No, you cannot be fired – as long as you are on maternity leave. But do not believe that after returning to work your boss will be very amused! Why? Because your boss wanted to employ someone who will work for him (and not immediately go on maternity leave). This employer will be paying for someone who has not contributed a penny’s worth of work to the company. As soon as he finds this out, reckon that he will seek a possibility to fire you! He will feel that you “betrayed” him.
What do I generally have to know about working contracts?
Your employment contract is the first and main key in determining your rights and duties to your employer. Therefore, make sure that you have all vital issues addressed in the contract. If you later find out that something is missing, that might be too late, because the employer might not want to alter the contract. Supposing your bad luck continues and the contract contains a stipulation on “no oral agreements besides this contract”, then no 100 witness will be able to prove the contrary.
After I ate lunch in the kitchen of our office, I gracefully tossed a vase off the counter. It fell on the floor and broke. Just as I expected, my boss said that he demands a new one. He expects me to go out and get if after work. Can that be? I thought my boss carries all liability in his office.
Yes! During your private time in the office (lunch break), you negligently destroyed his property. This offense entitles your boss to damages. He is totally correct in demanding you to get a new one off hours. Though you are generally right in that your boss can be held liable for infringing obligations or damaging other persons or their property.
When are employees liable for damages they make?
Your liability will be limited in accordance with the so-called “in-plant compensation principles”. Following those principles, the employer will have to bear a portion of the damages himself, because the “general operational risks” of the business are treated as contributory negligence. As a rule of thumb, your liability will be
100% in cases of intention or gross negligence,
50% in cases of average negligence and
0% in cases of light negligence.
Could you name me some exceptions?
The most common exceptions are:
Certain risks are exempt to be covered by insurance. If they are your liability, you will be limited to the amount customarily retained by the insurance company.
If your activity is particularly risky, this will reduce your liability vis-à-vis your employer.
If you are operating very expensive machinery, it cannot be expected of you to cover all damages.
It is not sufficient that your intent relates to the fact that you breached your contract. The intent must extend to the damage of your cause (judgment of Federal Labor Court of April 18, 2002 - 8 AZR 348/01).
- Details
- Parent Category: Labor Legalities
- Created on Thursday, 11 December 2008 18:50
- Last Updated on Saturday, 09 February 2013 18:24
Is your child nagging you for an increase in his or her allowance? It might be a good idea to make your child value money by earning some himself. Here, we will inform you what you as a parent need to know if your kid may work at all and if so under which conditions.
- Details
- Parent Category: Labor Legalities
- Created on Sunday, 04 November 2012 17:20
- Last Updated on Tuesday, 12 June 2018 13:08
List of Job Boards Tailored for Expats Wanting to Work in Germany
The types and number of job boards differ a lot. The bigger and more prominent the site, the more information on application guides and other work related details you will be offered. Meta search engines have the nice advantage that they collect their results from many other job boards so you will not have to do so. I consider those job boards as universal that target no specific profession or area of profession. We consider specific when a certain profession or educational background is addressed.
Maternity LeaveCongratulations, when you are expecting a child! May it grow and prosper and keep you happy all the time. In order that this wish comes true, German labor provides a lot of rules for your personal and your child's safety. Any infringement will easily be criminally prosecuted.
Labor Law
SalaryThis page is all about getting paid in Germany and what you need to understand what is goes with it. My employment contract talks about a gross income and a net income. What are they taking off my salary?Your net income is the gross salary minus compulsory deductions for income tax, and social security benefits. Social security consists of four different kinds of insurances: unemployment insurance, retirement insurance, health insurance and nursing care insurance. You generally only pay half of the premiums for these insurances; your employer generally pays the other half. Having had a couple of interviews, I have left some of them with the assumption that the employer is reluctant to talk about money. Can it be that I will have a job without remuneration?If you give in to working for free then “yes”. §612 BGB determines payment as a cardinal duty of the employer to pay his employee. This stipulates the general attitude that nobody is to be employed without payment. Normally, the salary is a matter of negotiation between employer and employee, but every region in Germany has a customary amount for each position. In the end, the only room for negotiation will be around the customary maximum. Bring in your advantages and compare them with your colleagues. To determine this customary maximum, ask either respectively the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Industrie und Handelskammer), other competent professional chambers in your city, or friends working in your field. Besides all that, when you are entering Germany, you will not be permitted to work for free as this would torpedeo the German labor market and is absolutely not wanted by the German government. Recently I noticed my boss is earning a mint since I’m in the company. I believe he’s cheating me of my fair part on his profits. I want more money than we originally agreed! My boss said that it’s none of my business how much he earns. Who’s right?Well, your boss is right. It is really none of your business how much he earns. Of course, you have a legitimate but never enforceable interest to know if he writes black or red numbers. This characterizes a businessperson in that he gains all the profits of his enterprise. Understanding your wish to earn more because the company is in such good shape, the only thing you can do to give your income a boost is to apply for a raise. But you cannot demand this, only negotiate it. Never will the sole reason, prosperity of the company, constitute an argument. Being used to only receiving my salary, my boss wanted to reward me with extra gratifications like Christmas money, a cell phone, and a company’s car (even for private use). Is that normal in Germany? At home, we would call this salary sacrifices.Yes, this happens often. Depending on the circumstances, the extra gratification will stay a voluntary payment or become part of your contract. For example, if the employer pays his employees Christmas money without reservation for three consecutive years, then this gives rise to a so-called “established practice” and you will be able to claim the Christmas money in the future. If the employer increases your monthly payment, particularly at a time where pay hikes are customary, then this would give you the right to claim the increased salary in the future. In other cases, you have no right to claim the benefit but must consider it instead a reward. Some gratifications are for long-time service to the company, for special occasions, or even to keep you happy and on that job. It can happen that some gratifications are withheld from those who have been given notice. How can I determine if my salary is correct?The level of your salary or wage will be determined in accordance with the following rules and in the following order.
Due to a sudden pitch in demand, I worked 10 hours overtime. I asked my boss for some extra payment but he just had a blank face. Come on; now don’t tell me that I worked for nothing.Overtime payment can be demanded even if your contract says nothing about it (§612 IV BGB). This requires that your boss ordered overtime or this is essential for operation. If you just worked later because you came in later after visiting the physician, that is exclusively your problem. Supposing you worked longer without right of payment, you cannot demand private time and leave work earlier. This would be a clear violation of your duties. In this situation, it is recommendable to negotiate that you might leave earlier sometime at a later time. The name of the game is to negotiate. It is even legal to write into a contract that unpaid overtime is included in the salary. I have been working for the same employer for several years. I would not mind having a raise. Can I demand one? What is required for one?If you are a member of a competent union and your employer is a member of a competent employers association, you are entitled to participate in any pay raises provided by the collective labor agreement concluded between the respective union and the employers association. In some cases, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Labor declares such collective labor agreements, concluded between the respective union and employers association, as generally binding, in which case they would apply regardless of membership in a union/association (Gewerkschaft). Also, you may be entitled to certain benefits under a works’ agreement (Betriebsvereinbarung) negotiated between your employer and his works’ council (Betriebsrat). But even if no collective labor agreement applies, the so-called “employment law principle of equal treatment” prevents your employer from discriminating you when granting benefits according to a general rule. First, your employer may not apply a discriminatory rule. Secondly, if you satisfy the requirements of the rule, you are entitled to the benefit. However, if your employer grants pay raises on a case-by-case basis as opposed to applying a general rule, you will not have any claim to a rise whatsoever.
Authors: The Publisher / Fabian Stoffers More Articles...Additional information |