Days off Due to Flight Ban - (Un)Paid Vacation

After the wind from has Island has turned, the airspace has been cleared, the planes are swirling around, faces smiling again as home is once again close. Tracks and streets are not so much in demand anymore. But what about employees stuck in the airport that could not return on time to their job. Can they still claim their salary for these days? How does this affect payroll?

The answer is clear! No work, no pay. Employers do not have to pay their employees for the missed days. Unless differently agreed upon, these involuntary days off will be unpaid vacation. What implications does it have on social security payments for the employees? Unpaid vacation is up to a one month period does not alter the employment relationship. Therefore nursing, health, old-age, and unemployment insurance remain.

When computing the premiums, unpaid vacation days also count as days and subject to premiums. When due to the volcano, an employee cannot work and has to take unpaid vacation, then the paid salary is to be assessed to the whole month. As long as the unpaid vacation is less than one month, nothing special is to be reported to the tax office. Persons need only be deregistered when they are off work for more than one month.


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