Inside Prison

Argh. You breathing air is now being filtered just because you happen to be in prison. Congratulations! Good work. Continue reading if you want to know who may visit you in jail, be it a social worker, physician, or private persons. What about inmates? Right, what about inmates?


 What happens when I go to jail?

Upon admission to prison, you will be asked for personal data such as nationality, religion, marital status, profession, place of legal residence, name and address of next-of-kin. Your next-of-kin will not be informed of your situation without your express permission. A contact address is routinely requested in case of emergency. You must be given a medical examination as soon as possible after admission. You must be advised of your rights and duties as a prison inmate. This is generally done by providing you with an information sheet or by referring you to a prison guidebook. A prison social worker can be seen by filing a request for an appointment called "Antrag auf Besuch eines Sozialarbeiters". You will be asked if you have family members who are dependent on you for support and who might be in need of public assistance. After completion of these entrance formalities, you will be lead to the locker / shower room. You are to take a shower, after which your belongings will be searched. This takes place in privacy and no other prisoner is permitted to be present.

What may I wear while in prison? I hope I’ll be able to wear those cool white and black stripes. They are really cute.

You may wear your own clothes and underwear and are permitted to use your own bed sheets. You can receive additional clothing and laundry and have it be picked up for cleaning by relatives or friends. If you have no relatives or friends residing in the city where you are confined, you may receive laundry packages regularly. The receipt of such packages is regulated by the issuance of special labels. Laundry packages must be clearly marked on the outside, identifying the contents as laundry. They may not contain any other items except for an inventory list. If you do not have sufficient clothing or linen, the prison will furnish them. Prisoners lacking certain toilet articles (comb, toothpaste, toothbrush) at the time of their arrest will receive these articles free of charge upon application to the floor guard.

Shucks, I don’t know anybody here and have no relatives. I have nobody to send me clothes. What should I do?

In practical terms, this means that prisoners without their own regular change of clothing will be obliged to wear prison clothes as a hygienic measure. The prisoner in pre-trial detention who has been issued prison clothes can wear his personal clothes when appearing before a court official. Exceptions: As a special security measure or in cases where collusion might occur, the judge may deny the prisoner the privilege of wearing his own clothes. In Bavaria, this precaution is mandatory for prisoners who are incarcerated for a drug offense.

What will happen to my stuff while I’m inside? Where can I keep belongings? I hope that I don’t have to leave them outside.

Your personal belongings are placed in the storeroom (Kammer), and valuables and money are deposited with the cashier. Each prisoner is assigned his own account number with the Zahlstelle (personal funds cashier). Items, which are suitable for personal use and decoration of the cell, may be retained by the prisoner, including toilet articles (glass containers are prohibited), writing material, pictures of relatives, watches and marriage or engagement rings.

If I get sick in prison, can my family doc come in and treat me?

No, your family physician will normally not be permitted to enter and treat you. They usually can only visit on terms of normal visitors. The prison doctor is responsible for the prisoner's health. As soon as possible after your admittance, you will be given a medical examination. In many institutions, this examination includes X-rays and blood tests. The prison doctor determines, among other precautions, the possible need for dietetic meals, the advisability of non-solitary confinement in cases in which the physical or mental condition of the detainee so warrants, and, finally, the possible need for admission to the prison hospital or infirmary. If your needs so require, the prison doctor may call for the services of a specialist or the advisory opinion of another physician, or may order an outpatient examination at a special clinic. If you cannot receive adequate medical care in the hospital you are in, you will be transferred to another institution or public hospital having appropriate medical facilities. With the approval of the judge and the prison doctor, you might consult a private physician at his your own expense, who will serve in an advisory capacity. The same regulations apply to dental care.

Well as I’m now in jail, I will surely not have to care about cleaning my cell any more. But I’m worried about other the other inmates with whom I might have to share my cell!

Rest assured, you will be separated from prisoners serving sentence! As a general rule, pre-trial detention is spent in a single cell. Under special circumstances, you may be accommodated with others if you apply in writing. The application must be submitted to the investigative judge for approval. You will be assigned to a group if your physical or mental condition so requires. Every cell is equipped with running water and a toilet. You must be allowed to have a shower once a week. Should you be assigned to labor, which makes you dirty, you may be allowed to shower daily. The size and furnishings of the cells differ, but they all have to meet a certain standard of dimensions and window size. Only in case of emergency, you may call an official by means of an alarm system.

Gee, being locked up all day long, I’m sure gaining on weight and every single movement is turning out to be exhausting. Isn’t there a possibility for recreation in jail?

If you are not assigned to outdoor work, you are allowed at least one hour per day outdoors, provided the weather so permits. Walking in groups and conversation with other prisoners in the exercise group is allowed. Exceptions: In certain pre-trial cases, the judge may impose solitary confinement where danger of collusion (Verdunkelungsgefahr) exists. In such cases, you must be kept apart from other prisoners, even during recreation periods. This rule may also apply if there is danger of violence against prison officials or fellow prisoners.


I’ve now tried to swallow this grub they serve here as food for a few weeks in a row. I can’t stand it anymore. Can’t I have a “meals on wheels” come in and bring some?

Prison food is regulated by a uniform meal plan. In most prisons, the meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) are served in the cells. You may, if you wish, obtain meals at your own expense from an outside source. The prison director selects the restaurant. The expenses for meals over a certain period of time have to be deposited in advance. During the regular prison meals, persons buying their own meals are kept separate from other prisoners.

I just have learned, that I have money in jail, can I go shopping in jail, too?

Eigengeld). Most institutions have their own store, where you can go shopping once or twice a month. If a prison does not have a store, you will find a shopping list in your cell. Mark the items which you wish to purchase. The list will be collected and the items purchased for you. In exceptional cases, with the approval of the prison doctor, prisoners in pre-trial detention may purchase medicine and vitamins from outside sources.

I’m so lonely behind bars. Can’t anybody come by to visit me in jail?

You are allowed one 30-minute visit every other week. In emergencies, exceptions can be made regarding the frequency and length of visitation. A visiting permit must first be acquired from the judge or public prosecutor in charge of the case. The permit can be obtained at the responsible court or by writing to the judge or public prosecutor directly. When picking up the visiting permit and entering the prison, the visitor has to identify himself by presenting an identification document with a photograph. A prison official supervises the prison visits. If the conversation is to be in a language other than German and the judge has not specifically waived the need for an officially certified interpreter, one must be supplied at the visitor's expense.

Days are so long here. Work is so boring. Hmmph. Can’t I get something to read here?

All prisoners are supplied with reading material from the prison library and books are distributed to the cells regularly. Newspapers and magazines may be ordered directly from the publisher. In most prison libraries, books in English are available. However, do not reckon with a big choice of books. Prisoners may order books directly from a publisher or bookstore at their own expense. If you choose to do so, please advise prison officials in advance of your order, giving the name of the bookstore. Books and magazines from outside sources such as family or friends have to be approved by the judge or public prosecutor. Drug offenders may not receive reading material from outside sources.

Gee, with no possibility to work here, isn’t there a way for me to kill time otherwise? I would like to watch TV or listen to my favorite radio station.

If the prison has no centralized radio system, a radio is allowed for use in individual cells. You must purchase radios with your own funds and through the prison. Prisoners wishing to have individual cell radios must have the permission of the prison director. Radios supplied by an outside source must comply with certain requirements as to size and type, and have to be technically inspected at the prisoner's expense before use. A German radio listeners' tax, GEZ, will be imposed. Individual television sets are allowed, but the judge must approve the purchase of a TV. Once approved, the television set has to be purchased through the prison and it will be inspected before use.

Though I sinned, I want to cleanse my conscience with God. Is there a possibility that I can participate in holy mass?

All prisoners are entitled to take part in religious services of their denomination, unless the judge rules otherwise. You also have the right to receive visits from a priest, rabbi or minister of your faith. Each detention facility is staffed by prison chaplains (Geistlicher). In pre-trial cases the judge can allow visiting privileges by other clergymen not officially assigned to the prison.<

Is there anybody I can talk to when having a personal problem? Sometimes, I just have a hard time understanding what’s going on. Are there any social workers? Can I consult with the director?

Every prison is staffed with specially trained social workers (Sozialarbeiter). You are entitled to seek the assistance of a social worker in solving personal difficulties. They often speak English and can be especially useful if communication problems exist, or as a liaison with the Consulate. The prison director (Vorstand) and section leaders (Gruppenleiter, Abteilungsleiter) have a set time period each week (Sprechstunde) when they are available to discuss individual problems relating to imprisonment. Ask the guard to make an application (Antrag) to see the warden.

Do I have to work while I’m waiting for my case to be heard?

Prisoners in pre-trial detention are not obligated to work. At your own request, you may, however, be assigned some kind of work. If the nature of the work is such that it results in contact with other prisoners (to which the prisoner must consent), participation requires the approval of the respective judge. Pre-trial prisoners are not allowed to work outside the prison.

Darn’t! My pa just passed away and now I’m stuck in prison. Is there a chance that I might be able to attend his funeral outside of prison?

Certain judicial, business or personal matters may be of such extreme importance that they cannot be postponed. If an urgent situation arises which requires your presence outside the prison (for example, funerals, critical illness of your next-of-kin) you may make an application for an outside trip at your own expense. You will be accompanied by guards, should this be approved by court.

Being behind bars all day, I want to at least do something. May I write letters to relatives and friends outside?

Generally, you are permitted to write and receive letters. However, you will have to expect that the judge will monitor all in and outgoing mail. If you are in time pre-trial, the judge may even restrict the forwarding of any mail. This will only be the case however, should you jeopardize the legal proceedings. So, you will not have the chance to order your gang to bust you out. Sorry. Whenever the court confiscates mail, you will be informed of this in writing. Do not forget, that you carry the postal charges. If you are unable to pay for your postage, you can be assisted with official German funds to a limited and reasonable extent. Stamps may be purchased from private funds each month. Funds with which to buy stamps can also be deposited into the prisoner's account from relatives and friends outside of prison. A prisoner is allowed to have a certain amount of stamps in his possession at any given time. You may also receive return postage with incoming letters. Upon application, you may be allowed to use a typewriter for both private and official correspondence.

Grub is so lousy here in jail. Can’t I have friends bring or send me “care packages”?

You are permitted to receive three gift parcels per year containing food and items such as cigarettes and candy. Packages are allowed at Christmas, Easter, and on one occasion determined by you (typically your birthday). Upon application, you are supplied a Paketmarke (package label), a special sticker which you forward to your family or any other sender. A listing of prohibited items (e.g. tubes, bottles, glass jars) is printed on the reverse side of the label and a maximum weight is indicated. Please make sure that your family / friends know about these restrictions and that they need to have your Paketmarke before they can send you a package. If for special security reasons packages are denied, as in the case of drug offenders, an extra purchase (Ersatzeinkauf) at the prison shop is authorized. This also applies to prisoners who are allowed packages, but do not receive any.

Finally, the day of my release is coming. Girl, I’m really looking forward to it. How will it be?

On the day of your release, you will be exited early in the day. In the case the actual date of fulfillment is on a weekend or a holiday, you might be released a few days earlier so that you will have enough time to visit the necessary authorities. Your belongings and your Überbrückungsgeld will be handed out to you, which was saved on your behalf while serving time. This money will now help you find an apartment and maker other necessary purchases. If you have children or have not worked much, your „Ü-Geld“ or), you might end up with little or no „die Brücke“.

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