Relationships of Children Inside the Family

Giving birth to a child is an experience. No question. The authorities also want to experience this birth. You are to register the child.


My wife just gave birth to twins. Do I have to register our kids at the various offices I registered at?

Yes, you do! It does not involve much red tape. The birth of your toddler needs to be registered at

  • the office for vital statistics (Standesamt),
  • registration office (Einwohnermeldeamt),
  • your consul,
  • the immigration office (Ausländeramt).
How do I find the office for vital statistics (Standesamt)?

The office for vital statistics will usually be found in the town hall. The best approach would be to take a look at your city’s internet presentation. Look for the word “Standesamt” (which is the German word for that office). You should even be able to download the necessary forms on the website, too. For forms search for “Formulare” on the website.

Relevant Checklists:

The checklist(s) below are not just a repetition of any table above but they also cover(s) further hints to help you make the office easy and avoid a second visit because you missed something! Where to Register Your Newborn Child – containing further details.


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