Tax Consultants (Steuerberater)
The below listed companies want to help you in all accounting and taxation matters.
What is the difference between Steuerberater, Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht ? A Steuerberater (Tax Consultant) usually studied economics, while the attorney studied law. The Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht is an attorney with a certified specialization in tax law. All three have the permission to represent your interests in tax courts but only lawyers may consult in other legal matters. Tax consultants may only consult on tax law, accounting, and implications on tax law when you use a certain legal construction. All may represent you in tax courts.
Why hire a tax consulting person and not just ask the tax office for free?
- First of all, offices do not consult and if they attempt then usually to the advantage of the office.
- Second, tax offices do invoice for requesting binding decisions on a certain legal constructions.
- Third, tax consultants have the duty to serve your interests! They can be held liable for malpractice!
- Fourth, officers have been trained to decide on applications but not to consider which strategy will be more tax saving.
Why should you hire a pro and not do it yourself?
- This will be bought free time.
- In case anything goes wrong, you will have somebody else to blame.
- Whenever possible, your tax savings will be greater.
- Last not least, this will enhance economy.
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